Friday, February 23, 2007

Shredded Light

1 comment:

nywc said...


I really like the explorations that you did with the paper lanterns. By building on the architectural origami, you got a headstart.

Integrating in curves rather than only sharp bends gives your final projects a nice feel. I was also pleasantly surprised at he use of color. There is a beautiful book of studies on reflected light called Dimensional Color" by Lois Swirnoff who learned from the Bauhaus masters. You might enjoy seeing the beautiful images of white shapes illuminated with bounced colors - really magical.

It is nice to see the contrast between the two versions that you posted. The top one has a kind of military precision; the lower one has a rich organic feel to it. In both you carefully observed that the center would need a wide band to shield the lamp and used heavier material to reinforce the edges. The second one cases very nice flickery shadows on the table.

If you were to cut it one more time, I would consider how to integrate the smaller slits at the top and bottom or else eliminate them. While they catch light in an interesting way, the assymmetry seems distracting from the main show towards the center.

- Nancy